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Verne, Jules Journey to the Centre of the Earth Penguin Harmondsworth 1994 253 softcover 33409 80,-
Martin, George R. R. A Clash of Kings. Book Two of A Song of Ice and Fire Harper Londýn 2011 913 softcover 33763 150,-
Green, John Looking for Alaska Harper Collings Londýn 211 271 softcover 33765 80,-
Lehtipuu, Markus - Mäkelä, Virpi Finland - a travel survival kit Lonely Planet Hawthorn (Australia) 1993 372 softcover, 1st edition 32133 100,-
Everist, Richard - Thomas, Bryn - Wheeler, Tony Britain - a Lonely Planet survival kit Lonely Planet Hawthorn (Australia) 1995 1210 softcover, 1st edition 32134 100,-
Kesey, Ken One Flew Over the Cuckoo´s Nest Penguin Books New York 1992 311 softcover, 30th Anniversary Edition 32515 100,-
hrsg. von Ilse Wagner Spannende Frauen - Ein Lesebuch Knaur München 1998 329 softcover, deutsch 32396 50,-
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan Infidel Pocket Books London 2008 353 softcover, good condition 32540 100,-
Fforde, Jasper One of Our Thursdays Is Missing Hodder & Stoughton London 2011 388 softcover, private Happy Birthday wish written in the book 32012 100,-
Lipson, Goldie Rejuvenation through Yoga Pyramid Books New York 1971 144 softcover, proti titulu věnování bez vztahu ke knize 32831 60,-
Bazin, Germain The Louvre Thames and Hudson London 1966 320 softcover, slighly worn edges 32138 100,-
Adams, Richard The Girl in a Swing Penguin Books Harmondsworth 1981 396 softcover, slightly worn edges 32507 60,-
Murakami, Haruki After the Quake Vintage London 2003 132 softcover, translated by Jay Rubin 33225 150,-
United Nations. Department of Economic Affairs Economic Report. Salient Features of the World Economic Situation 1945-47 + Supplement Lake Success: United Nations New York 1948 494 softcover, two volumes 32832 500,-
- - - The Beatles Lyrics Warner Books London 1995 219 softcover, with an introduction by Jimmy Saville 33314 100,-
Slaughter, Karin Blindsighted HarperCollinsPublishers New York 2002 389 softcover, worn copy 31862 60,-
Bradbury, Malcolm The History Man Arrow Books London 1981 229 softcover, worn copy 32518 50,-
Páleníček, Ludvík Max Švabinský: Chvála života Orbis Praha 1973 15 soubor 15 reprodukcí (3 na přebalu) v oob. 30055 60,-
Bristow, Gwen Krásná cesta Karel Voleský Praha 1948 263 soukromá pkož., frontispice Jenda Sedláček, přel. Běla Vrbová-Pavlousková 33177 100,-
Pražák, František Dětství vynikajících lidí českých Jan Jiránek Turnov 1939 265 soukromá ppl. 33728 60,-