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Hornby, Nick How to be Good Penguin Books London 2001 243 OBr. 30488 100,-
Austen, Jane Mansfield Park Penguin Popular Classics London 1994 479 paperback 30644 100,-
Fleischer, Leonore The Fisher King Penguin Books London 1991 208 paperback 30651 60,-
Levitt, Steven D. - Dubner, Stephen J. Freakonomics Penguin Books London 2009 315 paperback 30715 80,-
různí Call to Arms (A Collection of Classic War Stories) Octopus Books Limited London 1983 345 OCpl. s ob., il. Theresa Tower, autoři: H.G.Wells, J. Heller, E. M. Remarque, A. MacLean, R. Graves, N. Mailer a. j. 31069 100,-
různí American house now. Contemporary architectural design Thames and Hudson London 2001 240 OBr., anglicky, velké množství bar. obr. 31207 150,-
Munthe, Axel The story of San Michele John Murray London   432 OCkož., anglicky, vyd. kolem r. 1940, lehce zašpiněné předsádky, na tit. l. vlastnický podpis 31230 150,-
de Keyzer, Carl Zona - Siberian prison camps Trolley London 2003   OPap. s ob., text a foto Carl de Keyzer, nestr. 31472 400,-
Siegel, Eliot Photographing models: 1.000 poses (A practical sourcebook for aspiring and professional photographers) Bloomsbury London 2012 320 OVaz., anglicky, bar. foto. 31480 350,-
Rasmussen, Ingrid - Grimshaw, Chloe The New Country Style England - Inspiration for Modern Living Thames and Hudson London 2006 272 OVaz. s ob., anglicky, bar. foto celostr. i v textu 31547 100,-
Huyghe, René Larousse Encyclopedia of Renaissance and Baroque Art Paul Hamlyn London 1967 444 OBr. s trochu odřenými hranami ob., anglicky 18209 80,-
Huyghe, René Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern Art Paul Hamlyn London 1967 444 OBr. s trochu odřenými hranami ob., anglicky 18210 80,-
Dunan, Marcel Larousse Encyclopedia of Modern History from 1500 to the Present Day Paul Hamlyn London 1968 405 OBr., anglicky 18211 80,-
Ghosh, Amitav The Calcutta Chromosome John Murray London 2011 307 OBr., anglicky 31734 100,-
Christie, Agatha Death in the Clouds HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd London 2015 264 OBr., anglicky 31780 100,-
Laughlin, Clara E. So You´re Going To England! Methuen & Co. London 1928 571 hardback, 2nd edition with a new preface, no dustjacket 31830 250,-
Mistry, Rohinton Family Matters Faber and Faber London 2006 500 OBr., anglicky 31833 100,-
Mistry, Rohinton A Fine Balance Faber and Faber London 2006 614 OBr., anglicky 31834 100,-
Michaelides, Alex The Silent Patient Orion London 2019 342 softcover 31889 100,-
May, Peter Freeze Frame River Run London 2016 371 softcover 31944 150,-